Saturday, July 07, 2007

Back Home - Kind of

Last time I left you, I was trying to get rid of my car. The car sale was a success, albeit I didn't get quite as much as I would've liked from it. I had two days to sell a car, and since I am the type of person that likes to take action when something needs to get done, I felt just hanging up fliers to sell the car wasn't active enough! So, instead I hung up fliers telling people that I was going to Auction the car off that night at 7:00. I figured the car was WAY cheaper than bussing around the country, so I didn't really care how much I got for it. So in that case I started the Auction at 10 dollars to see if I could get a lot of people to show up. It turns out only two people showed up at all. One of the guys, named Craig, decided to test drive it, at he immediately offered $500 for it. The other guy (we'll call him steve) was expecting to get a car for around $10, so he kind of was surprised, and immediately offered $1000 not knowing how he was going to get me the money. (Why, do I always run into these people?) Anyway, he kind of bailed in the end, and since an Auction didn't really occur because of this flake that showed up, I ended up just telling Craig that he could pay me whatever he thought was fair. He gave me $300. I'm happy!

Shortly after that, I said my goodbye's to Eric, and decided to go to the Pixar Museum that was visiting Melbourne for a few weeks. More or less, I was killing time till my long Bus ride. Finally, my bus left and for the next 12 hours I rode to Sydney. The Bus dropped me off right at the Airport and next thing I knew, I was in a plane coming home! On the way out, it was the first time that I actually got to see Sydney from the air, as the first time I flew in it was at night. And Sydney from the air just confirmed my opinions of this city. It is really quite incredible! (See if you can spot the opera house in the picture!)

12 hours after that I arrived in sunny southern California 3 hours before I left! (Yeah, weird how I arrived before I left. . .That dateline will get you every time!) I arrived to the shock and amazement of what I had left behind about 7 months ago. First thing I noticed (besides all the people being generally mean to one another) was a picture of Baseball on the wall. I didn't even realize it, but I missed that sport! I knew I was home at that minute! Baseball really is all American! A few minutes later I had met up with my brother and we were off!

The next day was the 4th, in which we just had a BBQ. And it was great! So simple, so easy, and I didn't have to worry where I was going to sleep that night.

The next day, Nick flew into town, and the three of us decided to enjoy the summer sun a little bit. Doing the L.A. thing, we took off the topper to the JEEP, and drove down to Santa Monica listening to "surfin' the U.S.A!" The sun stays up till about 7:30 down here, and I didn't get any jet lag!

That night Sean, Nick, David, and I all went to the Laugh Factory. It is a comedy club in the middle of Hollywood. And I know some of you will be jealous of who we saw. Yep, sure enough, Dane Cook was the headlining act that night! And wow, he IS funny!

So in a word or two, I'm happy to be home. My travels have been phenomenal, and after experiencing the little bit of world that I actually did experience, I'm excited to go back out there! But in the mean time I need to get back to Bozeman, make some money, and figure out what to do next. Wow. . .What now?

I guess, I'll keep posting till I get home, however I have a feeling that they are going to slow down a little from here on out. Being back in America, it doesn't seem like I need to talk about it all that much. Tonight, I'm going to a L.A. Dodgers game, which will be my first pro ball game that I've been to, so I'm pretty excited about that. Other than that, I guess I'll sign off for now!

P.S. Sean, MJ, Nick, and David are all doing great!


Anonymous said...

Welcome back to the US!

Hope you're having fun in LA :-)

Unknown said...

echoing katie, welcome back!! :) will see you in Bozeman soon!

Unknown said...

Mimicking Katie and Mel...

Welcome back to the U.S. of A...
(even if you still are in Californi-A)!


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