So, Just for a quick update of what I've done over the past few days. We more or less decided to Leave Adelaide right away. It wasn't all that fun there anyway. Parking is a pain and Eric and I, it seems, both hate large cities. So we decided to book it to Melbourne hoping that it would be easier to sell a car there, and then cheaper for me to Bus it over to Sydney to where I fly out.
After Passing the Big Lobster, we found our way to some cool caves. We got to play around in them for about 2 days and then once again decided it was time to hit the road.
Once Arriving in Melbourne, we have immediately been reminded of "big city syndrome" where you have to pay for parking and everything else you may want to do. In fact, I don't understand how people can stand driving in big cities at all! Usually public transportation is fantastic, and faster, and in the long run probably cheaper too! But oh well, People will be people.
So, not a whole lot to report on. Definately didn't take enough blog worthy pictures on this last jaunt. Sorry 'bout that! With that said, I'm kinda guessing my next post is going to be from the States! Looking forward to it!
BOOYAH! I'll see you soon!
Hey Trev,
I hope your travels have fulfill your expectations and given you a wealth of great experiences (from your blog it certainly sounds like they have). I am caught up on your blog once again, which is nice, but my own is still lacking. Anyways, I gave you a whole slew of comments and I hope you like them.
Keep in touch,
Yay!!!!!!! You're coming home!!!!! whoa, if you are coming stateside, that means I'm getting married soon. wow! See you soon! yay!
Call me when you get back to the states...we have much to discuss :-)
Miss you (hopefully not for much longer!),
can't wait til you come back!!! :)
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