Sunday, April 29, 2007

Spending too much time on the Internet

Hey all! I just figured that I'd throw another post up since it has been a decent amount of time since my last one. Although I don't really have much new news to talk about. So, I'll just kinda blabber on for a couple paragraphs, maybe try to throw some words of wisdom in here and there, and then let you all get back to what ever else it is you should be doing instead of reading my super entertaining blog! :)

Anyway, so as you know I've been doing the skydive training. It is taking just a bit longer than was expected, and to make it worse the weather hasn't been cooperating for the past few days. So I haven't gotten to jump for 4 days now! But I am super close to finishing. I can smell the liscence! So, in the meantime, while I wait for good weather, and openings on the plane, I have been spending a lot of time with the oh so wonderful people, Kris and Bruce. In fact, I've spent enough time in one place now, that it seems like I've "moved" here. So, in a sense, I'm getting itchy feet again. For that reason, I have decided to get on the move again (after skydiving of course. . .)

Well, I know I'm going to be talking about the future here, but plans for me have changed a little since I originally decided to leave last November. So I just thought I'd give all of you an update on to what my plans are for the next few months and that way you'll have more exciting posts to look forward too! (I'm sure you are all getting bored with hearing about New Zealand, right?)

So, Pat is graduating from college here in about 2 weeks. And of course, he has decided to travel some. And he has decided to come travel with me for a bit! Originally the plan was for him to come down to New Zealand, but since I had already taken a lap around the south island, and have spent quite a bit of time down here, I talked pat into flying to Australia instead. So now, I'm going to Australia in about 2.5 weeks time. So that gives me 2.5 weeks to finish skydiving and sell Larry. Needless to say, I'm hoping the weather holds so I have lots of time to sell Larry!

As of now, it sounds as if I'll be spending till about the middle of July or so traveling Australia, then I'm hoping to fly to L.A. to visit my brother for a week or so. (He's going to find out about that by reading this blog :) ) And from there, I may be heading back towards the Bozone for the remainder of the summer. So not too long till I'm home! Hehe.

Like I said, I'd also offer some words of wisdom for this blog, so just for your enjoyment, and for no other reason, I'm going to bring your thoughts back to Thailand for some hilarious "Engrish" quotes that I got there. . .Keep in mind, these are not typos. . .

"Brings your monotonous home interior decoration into live." - On a refrigerator magnet

"Cinnamon is used as a spice on doughnuts, candies, yellies, and fruit jams." - What are Yellies???

"For guest you must pay fee for support local 1% of price follow the law fix of kanchanaburi provincial industry administration organization for develop local. Thank for cooperation" - Wow, they were trying WAY too hard!

"Disclaimer: Using the computer and internet can cause serious problems that may require you to do a lot of thing. We cannot guarentee that problems can be solved. Try any provided at your own risk." - Uh oh. . .I wouldn't want to have to do a lot of thing!

"Food, Dink, Music too!" - Could I get one more dink with that music?

"All soups are served with galic bread" - Sweet! They import their bread from Ireland eh?

"Please do not drop butt into toilet bowl." - Well, good thing it's attached to me then!

Hope you enjoy! Only a little more time till I'm on the road again with exciting posts! Bear with me!


Unknown said...

Hi Trevor:

Hope it quits raining for you soon so you can finish the rest of your dives. And, its really a good thing you are friends with Larry and taking your sky diving training in New Zealand verus Thailand. Otherwise you might have to take a taxi to the drop zone with a sign in it that reads:

"Please fasten seatbelt to prepare for crash."

But, like you, I also think you have been in New Zealand for too long, my son, because you have failed to mention some of THEIR ROAD signs:

"Slippery when frosty."
"The road is really corrogated."
"Watch for road slumps."
"Give way!" (yield)
"Concealed" (hidden/blind road)
"Cattle Stop" (cattle guard)
"Works end" (end of construction)
"Fatigue Safety Stop" (latte stand)
"Long Latte" (tall latte)

....and, a personal favorite:


Love, Mom

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Where's Mel?

Hali said...

I can't say that I won't be happy to see you when you come home. Rove will be too. Did I mention to you that the blocks that Rove is sitting on sank a bit when the irrigation ditch at my parents' house flooded the pasture? No worries though, the axels are still above ground. ;)

Have fun in Australia! Its one of my favorite places I've ever been.

Also have fun in LA, another one of my favorite places!!

Squee! Trevor has plans to return to us!!

And now back to my coffee and yard work.

Anonymous said...

it sounds like you're having too good of a time out there, trev...i'm sure australia will be just as kickin'! that's good news that you will be coming home SOME time, as i'll want my best bozeman bud to be around this summer as i'm headed back to mountain sky for one last hurrah...good luck finding a fast buyer for larry and look forward to reading more soon...


Unknown said...

Hi Trevor ~ it's really fun to read about your adventures. I appreciate them and I like going to the library to in Duluth to read about them. I go over about once a week. That's all.

Love Grandma

Anonymous said...

Great quotes Trev :-)
One of my favorites from Turkey was "Only 5 cents to feel the magical experience" - talking about a pay-bathroom.
Its great you're going to get to see Austrailia with Pat...I'm sure you'll both love it.
Glad you're coming back to the states soon...hopefully I'll get to see you at Sweet Pea.
Miss you!

Unknown said...

mel is sorely lacking in her ability to post before peggy ;)

sounds great trev, we will all love to see you again!

start training, triathlon will be labor day :) if you want to join in.


Anonymous said...

hey, it´s Matt. thought i´d shead some english light on those typos...

In england, and thailand english, Jell-o is called jelly. and jelly is called jam. so... multiple jell-o based desserts are called a "jellies"

Awesome tales Trev!