Sunday, April 01, 2007

Just Chillaxin in Nelson

On your marks. . .get set. . .GO! (That's just for Mel and my parents who are in this race to leave the first comment on each one of my blogs.) Good luck to all parties involved!

So, I've been here in Nelson for the past few days just hanging with my good friends Kris and Bruce. It's been really fun hanging out with them, and it looks as if I'll be in this general area for a bit of time to come. However, in the past couple days, I haven't done a whole lot worth writing about. But just to keep you all in the loop, and to show you that I haven't fallen off the face of the earth (yet) I'm writing this blog.

I suppose the few things that I have done in these few days are as follows. You wouldn't believe this, but the topographic center of New Zealand is about a 10 minute drive away from Kris and Bruce's house, and then a quick 15 minute hike to the top of a hill. Funny how the topographic center of New Zealand just happens to lie directly on the top of a mountain, instead of somewhere on the side of the hill. I bet they fudged it a bit. But hey, who am I to say?

Also Kris and I went and watched Bruce play a pick up game of NZ field hockey. This is an interesting game, if you've ever seen one. It's played outdoors on an astroturf field that is about the size of a soccer field. There are then 15 people on each team that run around hitting a baseball (more or less) around the field trying to get it into the goal. More or less it is like floor hockey, that we played in Gym class. However, you are only allowed to use one side of this strange looking hockey stick too. So, after watching this game, I decided I like our hockey better. ;) Oh that's right, they also call "football" "gridiron." Man, they are upside down, down here. :)

And finally Bruce and I went out on the town one night and played some pool. It is a little difficult to get out with both Kris and Bruce considering they have this wonderful little 11-month year old named Ayva. So for that reason I have to share my time between the both of them. But hey, at least they are being responsible parents right?

So, like I said, not a lot to talk about, but hopefully my next blog will be way more exciting! I am about to leave on two tramps. The first being a 4 day walk, and the second being a 7 day walk back to the car. It should be really fun, so wish me luck! It's a really long time in the back country!

And finally, I keep running into hitches with my planned skydive, but definitely keep checking back on my progress with that! Very soon, I'll be hurtling myself out of planes for my much needed adrenaline rushes!


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Thought I would tag in first, but stupidly signed in under Eli's account, so FIRST

Having Fun reading this stuff.


Unknown said...

yeah, i agree they must've 'fudged' it abit :). sounds like you are keeping busy. i like the pool table picture. can't wait to hear about hurtling yourself out of planes! we got hit with spring snow last night and it's still coming down! crazy messy whiteness!

warm fuzzies!

Anonymous said...

Hey there man, glad to hear that you are with Kris and Bruce. Also glad to hear that they have a kid! That is awesome. If I remember correctly, Bruce really liked rugby, so what is he doing with the field hockey team? And I noticed no pictures of bruce! Anyways, glad to hear that you are in the exact center of New Zealand with good people and better company than being lost alone getting scammed by some guy in Africa. Hope the skydiving trip goes well for you. If at all possible, can you get a picture of yourself or of the ground while in free fall? Hope you are healthy, wealthy, and full of fun old friend. Cheers and ciao!


p.s. We both love to read your post, Reana and I have a contest on who can get to the post first to read it to the other. Such great stories

Pearl Harris said...

hey trev!
wow it certainly sounds like you are doing well, having a blast and taking awesome pics. at the risk of sounding selfish i can't wait to see you and hear all about it in person :) anyway i hope the backcountry hiking goes well, and i'll make sure to keep reading the blog :)
oh and i have been keeping in touch with aaron and he wants to know when you are planning to swing through california, apparently he really wants to go rock climbing :)
happy travels :)

Anonymous said...

haha, your description of hockey is great. i had no idea you wouldnt have that in the US. but i guess you dont. im in italy at the moment, working in a hostel, cleaning and changing beds. Its really cool here. Hoping to go to south america soon!



Anonymous said...

It's not fair when you remove a post...then we can't see what it says. Was it scandalous?!? I bet it was! I'm on my way to Tahiti tomorrow; the French lessons did not go well...


Anonymous said...

ahh, i'm back in the land of paved roads, safe food, and schedules that matter. just got back from tanzania yesterday. sorry we missed you there...
Loved your pix of the animals.. do you know the only darn animal i saw there was a baboon!
keep enjoying life!

stay healthy,

Anonymous said...

Wow...lousy 9th place in the 'post' race. Just caught up with your last few blogs, I just pulled my first 60+ hour week at work, which was crazy, so I haven't gotten to stalk your blog for awhile ;-) Anyways, it sounds like Nelson has been a great place to relax and settle in for a bit. Have a blast on your tramps and hopefully by the time you get back, I'll have my microphone thingy figured out! Can't wait to talk to you again!
Miss you tons,

Anonymous said...

So where is Trevor? What has happened to him?
