Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Auckland - Finally Down Under!

So, I've made it safely to Auckland. I am finally in the land of Kiwi's! Everything is good down here, albeit I haven't had any time to explore yet. I arrived in Beamers flat yesterday, and spent my time sleeping, and getting rid of Jet Lag. The place that I have in Auckland is sweet! Thanks Beamz, for letting me use it! Anyway, I still haven't gotten pics of the area yet, however I think I'll be doing a "coast to coast" walk here in a few minutes to get my bearings straight. There is some rockclimbing in the area that I may try out if I can find a partner, and it looks like a good walk on an Island in the bay that I'll do tommorrow. First things first though. Gotta find food. ;) I've been looking all over for a grocery store, but can't find them for the life of me.

On another note, a lot of you have been asking where to send postcards or other various paraphanalia. Well, I figure I'll just tell you on the blog so I don't have to keep typing it over and over. What I've been telling people so far is this: If you need to send something, just email me and find out where I'll be in the next week to 10 days or so. Then you can send things "post restante - main post office" to that particular town. When I go through there, I'll be sure to pick it up! However a warning. I am trying as hard as I can to travel very lightly. So unless it's just a postcard or something that you think I need direly, don't send it! Just send your lovely thoughts! That is good enough to keep me happy! So thank you all for the thoughts! And Merry Christmas!

With that said, I think I am off to find that dang grocery store that is constantly alluding me! Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah! first comment this time :) good luck finding food! Glad you arrived safely!