Saturday, December 23, 2006

Kaitaia - Way up north

Right now I am in a little town called Kaitaia. This is the take off spot for the cape Reinga tramp. (they use tramping instead of backpacking here in NZ) So for the next three days I'll be walking about 25 miles or so on beaches! It should be a really cool scene to watch the Tasman Sea meeting up with the south Pacific. I guess you can really see them beating against each other.

Other than that, things have been somewhat slow for me so far. I've had a lot of difficulty finding good internet that I can load pictures on. Right now I'm on a little dial up connection. Blegh!

To get to Kaitaia from Auckland, I warmed up my hitchhiking thumb. I don't know if it's due to the NZers being extraordinarily nice, or do to the holiday season, but I've had no problems hitching so far. The first people that gave me a ride to Whangarei, drove thirty minutes out of their way to drop me off. They also bought me food and gave me a beer at the super market! Then the person to pick me up from Whangerai to Kataia also brought me to their house and fed me before finding me another ride that went the rest of the way! The hospitality here is wonderful! The second people even offered to let me stay there, however, I'm pretty excited to get on this tramp.

So with all that said, sorry that I still haven't gotten pictures up! I'll keep working on it as the days go by! Hope all of you are having a wonderful Christmas! It hasn't quite warmed up to the normal NZ summer temps yet, so I've still been wearing long pants! :) Hope it's not TOO cold back in the bozone!

Till next time!


Anonymous said...

Happy Christmas Trev. We miss you bunches and will be contacting you to send you vast quantities of crap so that you can cart it around the world. j/k

Hope all continues to be well.


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Trevor!
Bozeman isn't the same without you - I missed you terribly at wing night on Wednesday!!
I hope you're having a fabulous 'tramp' and I can't wait to see pictures :-)

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas!!! How exciting, can't wait to see pictures :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, I thought you where going to Africa??? I just read through your whole blogg (can't believe it took me this long) and it sounds like you are having a fab time, makes me want to keep going West, you know just head into the Pacific and keep going. Anyway, hope your treck was trerrific...
...and a happy 2007