Saturday, May 19, 2007

Sydney - Too freaking fun!

Hey there everyone! It's been a while, and that's just because I've been having way too much fun here in Sydney, Australia! This town rocks! Well, at least it is the best big city I've ever been to in my life. There are tons of fun Museums, beaches, and lots of places to drink beers! In fact, as I got here and met up with Pat, we immediatlely booked three nights in a Hostel. The hostel itself is kind of a dive, but by booking three nights, you get 15 free beers at 15 different bars around the city. At first, we looked at the map of the where the beers are located, and sure enough, they are spread ALL OVER the place. So at first we were pretty bummed about that, but once the scavenger hunt began it begun to get really fun! We have been all over Sydney now looking for our free beers and in the mean time, we've seen most of what the city has to offer. I could really spend a lot more time here than I think we have though. We've been to the Opera House, been over the Sydney Harbour Bridge, been to the Maritime Museum, Been to Bondi (Pronounced Bond-ee) beach, and seen some of the best Architecture and art and fountains of my life. There is one fountain that emulates a whirlpool. It is one of the strangest effects that I've seen water do. Now, I realize I don't have pictures on this blog (as per my usual excuse in these blogs) but I am on free internet right now. . .(who can complain about that?) and they don't have a USB port to do the picture thing. So, I'll hopefully find the time to post some photos of this wonderful city later!

On another note, this city would be a parkour persons dream! Don't know what parkour is? Do a Google search! It is more or less free style walking. Or, it could also be a Unicycler's dream! There are all kinds of walls to balance on, buildings to climb, rails to balance, fountains to play in, and people to watch here! I suppose if I were to move to a big city, so far Sydney would be it! (Don't worry though, I still don't want to move to a big city.)

Other than that, I think I'll talk on the pluses of traveling with a companion. So, I met Pat two days ago here in Sydney, and I've just been loving every minute of traveling with him so far! Normally I'd be more or less bymyself exploring the city and looking at museums and walking the city streets gets awefully boring by yourself rather quickly. Every now and then you can meet someone in a Hostel and spend a few hours with them, but hardly ever do you spend a whole day with someone let alone a few weeks. (Yes, I think I got lucky meeting Martin a few months ago!) But now that I have Pat to travel with, we are laughing and talking and joking all day, at the same time as doing the touristy things! It just brings a smile to my face being able to hang out in the Sydney Aquarium, looking at sharks and being able to point out certain things to someone else! So, yeah, In the end I would say that one shouldn't be afraid of traveling by themselves if that is the only option they have, but traveling with someone sure makes things fun!

Well, I wish I could put up some pictures, because I think I've gotten some really fun ones, but alas, you'll have to wait until I'm not having SO much fun doing other things, that I can find a Internet Cafe and spend some quality time blogging! hehe. Till next time!


Unknown said...

We're so glad Pat is with you in Australia. There's nothing like a great friend to share life's adventures!

"Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light."

Love, Mom

Unknown said...

i'm so glad you are enjoying sydney with pat! i am in canada right now attending a microbiology meeting in true geeky form--so i as well sit at an internet cafe regalling myself with your tales :) glad you are doing well. hope you are still training for the triathalon labor day! ;)

Russ said...


I would have to concur that Sydney has been my favorite big city thus far. The place just has a wonderful pulse to it.
