Wednesday, May 02, 2007

I've become "local"

O.K. so the title isn't entirely true. I haven't become a local in the sense that I still have a crazy "Canadian" accent, but if you take a look at myspace, you'll notice a few new additions. One of which is my world travel map. As you can see, over Nelson there is now a little yellow arrow saying that I've lived here.

Well, it's true. When I arrived I had only planned on spending a week or so with Kris and Bruce, and from there I was going to head to queenstown to work on my skydiving certification. Well, when I found out that Skydiving here was about half the price as it was in queenstown, I was sold. So I asked if it was O.K. with Kris and Bruce, and they said sure! So I don't know how long you have to be in one area to say that you've lived there, but I think a month is about good. So I've officially lived in another place!

Now, I also LOVE putting up these blogs. It's a great way to keep in touch with everyone. However, I've been aching because I know I have a video of me Skydiving that is just waiting to be finished up and given to me. I've been just DYING to put this video online for all of you to see, but alas, since the weather has literally rained for the past week nonstop, I haven't been to the drop zone, meaning I haven't been able to finish training, meaning no video for me yet, finally meaning no video for you yet! :) Funny how that works isn't it. Our lives are so dependent on the weather. So, since I haven't gotten the video and not a whole lot of exciting NEW things are happening in my life, I've been slacking on the whole Blog thing.

I do have to admit though that this month in Nelson has done wonders for my psyche. Before coming here I was just getting off the plane from Africa. Now, I don't know if you all remember what I was going through there, but I went to Africa at the 3-months of traveling, and I got back at about the 4-months of traveling. Well, all the traveling websites say this is the time that you will be most homesick. Stick with it, and it will get better. I agree with that whole heartedly! So going to Africa, I was DYING of homesickness. While in Africa, I was DYING of homesickness, and as soon as I got back to New Zealand, the feeling hadn't gone away. I realize now that the feeling was largely due to the fact that I was sick of figuring out where I was going to sleep a particular night, what I was going to eat a particular night and I was definitely sick of telling my life story to every new person I met! So, enter skydiving, and the oh so wonderful Kris and Bruce. Since Skydiving has started, it has given me a reason to stay in one place for an extended amount of time and recharge my batteries. Plus, since I was so homesick, I decided on a date to be home by. So those two things combined have more or less gotten rid of my homesickness. I mean, don't get me wrong. I still miss Bozeman like no other, but now that there is a date that I have in mind for getting back, I have something to look forward to, and it doesn't seem so far away!

On a side note, for your viewing pleasure, I thought I'd post this video on my blog since one of my jump masters was one of the people in this jump! It's pretty incredible!

Also, during my recharging time, I've met some of the best people I'll meet on my adventures. Given, you meet interesting people every day of traveling, but the ones you meet you don't necessarily get to KNOW! Since I've been skydiving, I have really gotten to KNOW and truly befriend my jumpmasters and fellow students! In fact, I can't wait to meet up with them again to see how we have all progressed with skydiving a few years down the road!

This break has been exactly what I needed, and I am so happy to have friends here that I was able to take a break with. And to add to that, I have gotten a girlfriend while I'm here! :) No, don't be frightened...She's about 1 year old! It's little Ayva! It is absolutely hilarious how Ayva acts around me now! She is always showing off, and whenever she does something cool, she looks for me and smiles! This morning, when Kris brought Ayva over to say hi to me, Ayva practically leapt out of her mothers arms into mine! It was priceless! Unfortunately for her, I have to break up with her in 2 weeks time, when I am off on the next leg of my journey!

So, I know there aren't a lot of pictures, and not a lot of exciting "new" things to talk about, but I guess in the long scheme of things, a month is nothing really, and I'll be back out soon enough! Until then, you can just look forward to my skydiving video, and maybe a few more posts with nothing more but words of traveling wisdom. . .or something along those lines.

P.S. It's official. Eric has purchased his ticket to come visit me now, so I'll be traveling with him from May 30th until I decide to come stateside. Yay! I have somewhat of a plan! It's nice!


Anonymous said...

Great video!! Can't wait to see yours :-)

Glad I got the microphone figured out - it was so nice to talk to you yesterday. Talk to you soon!

Miss you,

**Hi Peggy and Mel** (Sorry, I couldn't resist....miss you both too!)

Unknown said...

Ha ha! I beat Peggy at least :) I bow to the all wonderful superquick post of Katie, I miss and love you too!!! Oh, but wait this is about Trevor--yeah, right ;). Glad to hear the homesickness isn't as horrible anymore and we will all be so excited for you when you get back and relate to us in person all of your adventures that blogging just doesn't do justice to. Have fun finishing up skydiving and wrapping up the trip of a lifetime with Eric over in Australia!

Unknown said...

Happy Belated Blog!

I cannot wait to see a picture of you and your new girlfriend, Ayva, the next time you post! It's about time you got a girlfriend! The age difference is a little disconcerting though; I'm not sure you will be able to keep up with her!

Mike said...

I agree with your mom Trev... It's about time you got a G/F :P I'm packing to head out on the trail again. This time I'm less nervous and more excited to be hitting the road again. I bet you feel the same after a month in NZ.

Take it easy!

Russ said...


Wow that was epic... but enjoyable and I am finally all up to date with your blog. Now I just need to get mind up to date again. Not enough down time. Have fun in Australia and definitely get some surfing in... although the jellyfish can really sting.


Russ said...


One last thing... Kala and I found some AMAZING climbing in Vietnam that rivals Railay, and best of all it hardly developed at all. We me the two guys who are trying to establish climbing there commercially. Their are only 6 safe bolted routes (a few old ones exist in the area, but they are decades old and not good with the salt water) up so far, but the potential is for millions of them. I plan to go back and you should come next time.
