Sunday, May 13, 2007

Christchurch - Playing the Waiting game

Hey all, I've arrived back in Christchurch for the last time on this particular voyage of mine. And a few things have happened since, that I deemed worth blogging about.

First I had to say good bye to Kris, Bruce, and Ayva. This was an especially sad time for me since I had such a good time staying with them. So thank you very much Kris and Bruce! It was a blast, and I'm looking forward to August when you come visit in Bozeman! Remember my home is your home!

So, on my way to Christchurch, I found out that the fastest way to get here from Nelson is to travel through Lewis Pass. Lewis pass is one of the roads that my mother and Linnea and I didn't have time to drive on during their time here. And it's too bad, because it was a absolutely stunning drive. Although, it didn't seem that there were many places to turn off from to wander off the road. There was this pull off though where I got this picture. Notice the snow in the mountains. Yes, it is actually starting to get cold down here in New Zealand. I haven't put on a pair of shorts in the last month actually. (Another reason I'm looking forward to Australia) But this turn off was quite beautiful, and made me realize once again what I am about to leave behind. It made me sad that I'm leaving New Zealand, and anxious to come back some time down the road to do the things that I ended up missing. Such as spending more time at the Milford Sound area, and making it to Dunedin and Invercargill. I never saw any penguins down here either, so I'll have to come back for that. But in the mean time, I'm happy to be leaving! It's time now. I have plenty of life left to make it back! :) (Speaking of which. . .I thought of a saying that really bothers me. Everyone says "it's a once in a lifetime opportunity" Well, I don't think that's ever true! If you don't want it to be once in a lifetime, don't make it once in a lifetime. You can always do something twice if you put your mind to it.)

And finally, I have broke down and sold Larry. This is the final parting shot I got of my friend as I walked away! Sure enough, I had to cut my sale price by about a third of what I wanted for him, but in the end, I think it is O.K. The person I sold him to said he was going to get him all fixed up before trying to sell him to someone else during the busy season. So, Larry is in good hands! I hope he's happy with his new owner.

So now, I'm just hanging out in Christchurch till I fly to Sydney on Wednesday! It's a short post, but it'll do for now! See ya!


Unknown said...

simply put; BOOYAH!

Unknown said...

Yah...another chapter down, another to go. :) Check out Cairns, Australia for me if you are in that area. That's where my conference is next summer, I'd love some inside advice on what to hit up, I'll only be there probably 10 days-ish. Lots of luv!

Unknown said...

Hi Trev ~ its “Good bye” NZ and “Heeeello” to Australia! I suspect it’s goin’ to be fun for you. Hmm . . ., I wonder if the Australians speak New Zealand – sort of makes me ponder???

On another note, I love Skype, how ‘bout you? The three way conversation we had with you in NZ, Linnea in Thailand, and your good ol’ mom and pop in Bozeman was absolutely GREAT. And for free -- can’t beat that.

I’m looking forward to your blog from Australia.

Love ya lots.


Paterson Family said...

Trevor, best of luck for the next leg. We miss you heaps and I know Ayva is looking for you. Perhaps you should pick up Bryson's book and just read it along the way. I know it inspired us when we were travelling - and that was through Canada! And it will fill you in on lots of facts that you would otherwise miss on your travels. I know I keep harping on about it but I just know you won't regret it!

Unknown said...

kirs it right!!! bill bryson's book about aussie is super worth it! I'll even buy it for you. (give you the money when you get back).

Russ said...

Hey Trev,

You hit the nail on the head when you said that allowing something to be 'once in a lifetime' is a choice.... and like you I definitely do not intend for this trip to be 'once in a lifetime'. But, with the plethora of different and amazing place I have visited it is certainly sobering and undeniable to realize that there just is not enough time to do/see/experience everything in life. The world has far to much to offer, and as much as I want to return to all the amazing places I have been and explore them in more detail there are so many other amazing place where I have not ventured yet. On thought that sticks with me is that in life every decision you make to do something is also inherently a decision not to do something else.

Anyways, philosophy aside I liked the post and I like you your blog carries a very introspective feel.
