Sunday, March 18, 2007

Nairobi - Back from the Safari!

Well, good news everyone! I haven't been eaten by a lion! But seriously folks. . .The Masaii Mara was a FABULOUS national park with every animal you could think of! Actually I couldn't help thinking of me personally being in a children's Alphabet book. In Africa I've seen, Alligators, Baboons, Cheetah, Donkeys, Elephant, Fish, Girraffe, Hyenas and Hippo's, Impala's, Jackals, Kangaroos (there is a kangaroo on my hat) and Lions! I could maybe keep going to Zebra, but I was having a hard time at M. Ostrich, water buffalo, and wildebeest need to be included too though. Yeah. So it is like a zoo out there except for the ones in the cages. Instead of animals being in cages, the people are in the cage of the car. And it is phenomenol because the animals are accustomed to the cars, so you can literally drive up within 6 feet of these amazing creatures and snap pictures! And pictures is what I did snap! I have 100's of them! Not all of them good, but I did get some phenomenol ones too! However, I'm on slow internet now, so It'll take ages to upload the ones I want to. For that reason, keep checking back with this post and the one before it. . .I will upload the pictures once I arrive in New Zealand again. I know I can get fast Internet there!

So, I went on a three day, two night safari. The Safari consisted of driving about 6 hours to the Natl. Park from Nairobi. And the roads were TERRIBLE! Dirt or worse pretty much the entire way there. And to make it worse, the company I was with was SO dull! (Sorry guys, but is was true.) I was with one guy from the Ukraine that was the best to talk to, however he just couldn't keep a conversation going for the life of him. Then there were two French people. The guy (christoph) couldn't speak English but for a little bit. And the girl, (georgiana) spent all her time talking with the guy. . .in french. So, not being able to converse with them, the Ukraininan (Andriy) and I kind of sat and stared at each other for three days! Actually, it wasn't THAT bad, but I could've had a little more lively company. But as far as what was included, They brought our own cook along, we had our own driver, and while we all were expecting to stay in tents, they gave us nice little bungalows with beds! So all in all, it was an absolutely fabulous experience! I really hope to come back some day and do it all again!

So the Safari isn't the only adventure that I had over this weekend. Shopping in itself is an exhausting task. It all comes down to bartering. And I think I have gotten it figured out slightly. It's tough, because going into a shop, the keepers follow you around telling you "a good price" for every little thing you might have the slightest interest in. So, you try not to be interested in anything! But then, once you find something you like, you need to think what the max you'll pay for it is. Then, they will tell you some exorbitant price that they want. What I did is just told them my max price right up front. . .and didn't budge for the life of me. For example, I bought a chess board today. Nicely carved and everything. He asked for 16,000 shillings. I said 5,200. . .period. He kept trying to get me to come up, and he even brought the manager over who tried to bargain anything! My hat, my shoes, my glasses. Nope! 5,200! "Come on, 5,500!" Nope. . .5,200. I'm leaving. It went on for like fifteen minutes. But finally, grumbiling, he gave in to 5,200. I was happy because this is the max I'd pay. And he may not have been happy, but he sold it to me anyway! I don't know. Hopefully I got a good deal! You always second guess yourself.

So it's off to New Zealand again tomorrow. I've been thinking really hard about what my plans will be while I'm down there, so be sure to keep up with this blog. I have a feeling, things might be moving quickly! ;) Once again, I miss you all!

And P.S. My grandma (on my mom's side) is turning 80 on the first of April! I just want to send her an "On the World Wide Web" HAPPY BIRTHDAY! So, Grandma, if you're keeping up with these. . .Happy B-day!

Till next time!


Anonymous said...

I can't believe I am missing you by one week :(
If you change your mind we will be in Dar Es Salaam one week from today...
I'm so glad you got to hike around Mt Kenya and do the safari thing though... love, brooke

Kate S. said...

So glad you got to go on a Safari! Can't wait to see pictures from that and Mt. Kenya! Have a safe trip back to NZ and I'll try to catch you online sometime soon :-)
Miss you!

Unknown said...

wow, crazy pictures, how exciting! ok i'm going to continue to backtrack and read your nairobi blog now :)
