Friday, February 09, 2007

Wanaka - Is this where I'll be living?

Hey all! The last few days have been phenomenol! After leaving Lake Tekapo, we drove really far south to Te Anau to explore the Milford Sound area. This area is so incredibly gorgeous, you couldn't imagine it. It rains there a lot though! And rains, and rains and rains. But it is worth it. Because the more it rains, the more waterfalls appear. This area really reminds me of the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness. About 6 of New Zealands 10 "great walks" are in this area. And I can see why. Big mountains that just jut out of the ocean. Just do a photo search for "mitre peak" and you'll see what I mean. When we saw Mitre peak though, the peak itself was shrouded in clouds.

From there, we stayed one more night in Te Anau, and then started driving back north to do what I have been dreaming of doing since I was like 10. We drove through Queenstown and stopped at the AJ Hackett bungy jump site. I did buy the pictures of my bungy jump, and they say they'll be online in a few days. I was hoping they'd be up by now so I could just post them to the blog, but since they aren't up yet, (try it as you read this, they may be up by then. . .) I'll just give you directions to see them. Go to Click on "Daily Photos." Then Click on the Kawarau Jump link. Under search for photos section, type in these codes. . .


And trust me, it is worth a gander. When everyone else was frightened to jump, I just more or less strolled out there and did a cool trick of the jump. It was a blast, and I suggest that people do it! I was on an adreniline high for the next 3 hours! (My mom was frightened by my fast driving afterwards. . .)

From there we headed up to Wanaka, and my debt was paid off. Five months ago, while Linnea and I were driving home from Townsend's Corn Maze, we had a bet on which direction West was. Yes, I lost. And the bet was for a cookie in Wanaka. Not just any cookie though. Here in Wanaka, they have a movie theater, much like Colter and I wanted to put into Gibson's. This Movie theater has couches for seating, and during the movie, they cook everything from Pizza to pasta to cookies to beer and wine! The movie then has an intermission and you can go out and buy the food you want, bring it in, and watch the rest of your movie while you eat and drink. It is a great place with a lot of character. Anyway, the bet was for a cookie from this movie theater and so, the debt was paid off. Plus they only have one screen so we didn't get a choice in the movie that we went to. So we saw "The Departed." Violent but good. You've all probably seen it about 3 months ago!

So that brings me up till now. Today we are driving out to the Franz Joseph Glacier 300 km up the road! So I should probably hit the road! Till next time!


Unknown said...

Hi Trevor ~ again, this is a GREAT blog, it's so much fun to read. Maybe you should be a reporter for an adventure magazine and report on all your adventures. Interesting thought, hmm . . .

So, in regard to your jump, tell us about the trick you did when you jumped, I'd like to hear all 'bout it.

Keep up the GREAT times.


Trevor said...

Well, in regards to the trick, I purposefully didn't tell you. . .Look at the pictures as soon as they get posted. . .


Unknown said...

a friend of mine bungee jumped over water before and just as the cord reached it's stretch before pulling him back up, it dipped his head in the water! :) Did that happen to you? Great chatting with you briefly the other day. happy trails!

Anonymous said...

Saw the pictures....what a rush that had to be! I won't give it away, but great trick!! Gutsy, as always :-)

Trevor said...

Oh yeah, I forgot to say that I DID get dumped in the water. My whole upper half did!

Mike said...

Trev, nice pics! Russ and I got to do some Adventure Caving this week. It was pretty exciting being in the caves with nothing but a headlamp. Maybe we should get into caving back in the states :-D I'm glad your having fun in NZ. That area is BEAUTIFUL! Have you decided where you want to live yet?