Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Nairobi - What now?

Sorry, no pictures for this post for two reasons. One, I haven't been here long enough to get any worth posting, and two the Internet Cafe I'm at doesn't have USB ports. So, oh well.

I'm here in Nairobi right now, and things are very exciting! Almost too exciting for my own likes! Actually, the reason things are exciting are because of the potential scam that I'm on right now. There are countless stories headed my way from the states about how terrible safari dreamers is, and considering Eli was supposed to meet me here today, but is not flying any more due to "mistakes" that safari dreamers has made, it doesn't make me feel any better about my trip. Luckilly I have a friend here named Gilles, that will give me a place to stay at least until the 8th. Hopefully things will be figured out by then. But as of right now, it seems to me that Kilimanjaro and my safari are possibly a lost cause. But once again, I don't know yet. Things are weird here.

So, enough of that, and a little about Africa! Kenya is a fascinating place so far, but wow, do I stick out like a sore thumb! It's a little unnerving too. But I'm sure things will go fine. They speak two languages here, English and Swahili, with English being prevelent. So that makes it nice too. And of course I'm starting to learn a little swahili already! For example, did you know that "Simba" means "Lion?" (For those of you that have seen the Lion King know why this is significant to me. . .)

So, besideds the fact that I haven't heard word from the Safari Dreamers people since I've arrived here, things have been pretty straight forward. I got off the plane and had no problems with Visa's or luggage. As soon as I got out of the Airport proper I was bombarded with people trying to give me taxi rides. Luckily Gilles warned me about this, and I was able to get a reasonably good deal from a drive to Gilles place. Once I arrived at Gilles place, everything about where I was sunk in. Gilles place has about 10 security guards that are constantly watching it. The whole place is surrounded by 8-foot walls, lined with razor wire on the top. The house has barred windows and doors. A.K.A, I'm not in Kansas anymore (or NZ for that matter ;) ).

So after gettting to the place and taking a well needed shower, Gilles and I headed to a meeting of the Mountain Club of Kenya. This was a great little place that was packed with people that have similar interests to me. For that reason, it may be O.K. that this Safari thing doesn't go though, because if that is the case I have now met some people that may be able to take me out clilmbing or Mountaineering without the guides. I met someone that may be climbing Mt. Kenya next week, and so If the safari falls through, I may join him to the peak of the Second highest mountain in Africa. But that is all going to be decided in the next few days.

So, with that said, I'm going to go and explore Nairobi a little more, and I'm looking forward to keeping you all updated!


Sean said...

Good luck kid! Even though the Safari might not go as planned take in all you can. Your in a strange world with a lot of learning and experience to be had. I look forward to hearing about your adventures.

Unknown said...

wow, i'm sorry about the scam but it sounds like you're going to be able to make due :). i might be applying for a postdoc position in sounds terribly fascinating! stay well and be safe!!!

Mike said...

So, you are safe and maybe on your way for another great adventure... but where is Eli stuck at? Did he even fly to Africa? Or is he still in B-Town?


Anonymous said...

Bummerface about the Safari! Sounds like you're making the best out of a crummy situation...Gilles sounds like a lifesaver - how on earth do you have friends everywhere?!! I hope everything works out...and safe travels!
P.S. I'm moving to Denver tomorrow :-) Wahoooo

Anonymous said...

Hey Trevor! I'm sorry about all the craziness! Africa is a long way away from the comforts of NZ...literally AND figuratively! Ohh Africa. Where the hell is Eli and did Laura get a hold of you? She text me asking for your e-mail address. Teaching is... what's the word? Bizarre? Ridiculous? I don't even how. Everything is so different and I had a rough week with the kids last week. I hope, hope hope it's all sorted with them now because I have an observed lesson on Wednesday! Wish me luck 'cause I think I'm gonna need it! Again, I'm so sorry about the safari thing. What bullocks. I miss my traveling buddy! xo Alli