Sunday, February 18, 2007

Christchurch - One lap completed!

Well, here I am back in Christchurch. Just two weeks after I was here last. It was supposed to be that I flew out of here on the 19th of February, and for that reason, that is why we have been cruising so fast around the south island. For anyone that has been here, you'll know that 2 weeks is not nearly enough time to see the south in any detail. It's JUST enough to see the big spots with a lot of driving in between. So we took a lap around the south, and just as the lap was finishing up, I found out that I actually am not flying till the 27th now! This is good and bad. It's bad due to the fact that I now have a week to spend in Christchurch. One week isn't quite enough time to head places, but is just long enough to get boring. . .We'll see how it goes! The good though is that I may now actually get an extra week in Africa, which just MAY give me enough time to climb Mt. Kenya as well as Kilimanjaro! Plus it now makes it over lap with Brooke's stay in Tanzania, so I may get to see her on the other side of the globe! I hope so!

So now, I need to figure where I last left you all. I believe it was just after the Abel Tasman Hike. From there we headed to Nelson, and I finally got to meet up with Kris and Bruce, who I've been looking forward to seeing ever since I decided to come to New Zealand. Unfortunately, at that time we still had to be in Christchurch by the 19th, so I didn't get to spend nearly enough time with them. Just one night really. So hopefully, after I'm done with Africa, I can go back and actually sit down with them and take a breather and get a chance to say a proper "hi."

From Nelson, we went to a place where Linnea stayed at three years ago. This is a WWOOFing farm. (Willing Workers On Organic Farms.) These are farms where backpackers can go and work on farms for food and lodging. It sounds like a fun place to stay for a week or so, and once again, I may go back there and try my hand at organic farming. The people that run this farm are incredibly nice too, so it'd be a blast to get to know them better. They even had names for every one of their cows, and the cows would come up to you to lick you. I can't say I've ever been licked by a cow before. It's kinda weird. . .All slobbery and stuff.

After the farm, we got to have a taste of home. Literally. One of the most drank (drunk, drinked :) ) wines in NZ is a wine called Montana. We actually have this same wine in Montana, however due to confusion it is bottled under a different label. But the wine is delicious, and we were able to stop at the Winery if for nothing else then get some Montana/New Zealand Souvenirs. And of course some pictures of the area.

But then we had to get on the road again. We drove on to Kaikoura to spend a night. Kaikoura is more or less the Crayfish (lobster) capital of New Zealand. So of course, with the help of my mom, we were able to purchase a lobster and eat it on the beach! This was the first lobster I've ever eaten, and unfortunately for my pocket book, I LOVED it! The legs are a little tough to eat though. You should've seen it, cracking the legs open with the rocks we found on the beach. It was quite amusing! Oh, yeah, we also got the Lobster out of the refrigerator you see in this picture. (Hehe, just kidding. . .)

So, as I wrap this post up, I am pretty sad. My Mom and Linnea are both leaving today, and seeing them it has made me miss home more than ever. Before they came, I though they'd be able to help, but I think my plan backfired on me. So after my mom takes off at 9:00 tonight, I'm back on my own. . .for the most part.

In fact, I have one last story for you all before I sign off. Back when I was still in College (cause that was SOO long ago!) I was taking a physics class with this kid called Dominic. Well, Dominic is an amazing rock climber, and every time I went to the climbing gym, I'd run into him there. We more or less just talked, but a climbing relationship never ensued. Well, that year we went to Red Rocks outside of Las Vegas for spring break, and lo and behold, who is in the same campground as us? It's Dominic. Well, no big deal. That year he graduated while I still had a year to go, so I didn't see him at the climbing gym again, but the next spring break we ran into each other again at Red rocks. This time though we were both 300 ft. in the air on the same climb, and we ended up climbing together, albeit in seperate groups. After that encounter it seemed that I'd probably never see him again, but as they say, never say never! On the first day of the Abel Tasman hike, as I was walking head down, passing countless people, I hear my name being called from one of them! "Is that Trevor???" I turn and look, and sure enough, it is Dominic! Yep, Bozeman is the center of the universe! You can't go ANYWHERE with out running into people from Bozeman! Anyway, we swapped numbers this time, and it looks as if we are going to hook up later and travel/climb a little with each other in the future. Plus, he has a friend in Christchurch who I'm meeting tonight that is going to put me up for the week that I'm waiting for my plane to fly! And to make it even better, they are going to watch over Larry while I'm gone! Things just seem to work out!

Well, that's all for now! And for a parting shot. . .A butterfly stopping to smell the flower! Enjoy!


Unknown said...

Hi Trev ~ what a wonderful blog. You make me smile every time I read your work. And, yes -- things do seem to work out, but that's because good things happen to good people.

Love ya lots and, I really enjoy speaking with you on G-talk. All our friends should start using it, don't you agree?


Unknown said...

Hey Trev! Wow, I just caught up with your last two blogs...sorry the flying out to Africa is taking longer...eli's pretty pissy about that too. Well i hope you have a wonderful last week in NZ before heading off to Africa! I love reading your blogs...I bet if there were a tracker for blog readers--you're would win ;p take care hon!

Anonymous said...

That is so crazy that you bumped into that guy again over there! When I was in Darjeeling, India a few years ago a similar thing happened to me with someone from MT! It is such a small world, to be in the same place at the right time...
love, brooke