Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Whitianga - Pronounced Fiteeanga

I know, the weird New Zealanders and their pronunciation of strange words. Wh down hear is pronounced with an "F" sound. Strange.

So, I know I haven't posted in a while. This is due to the location that I have been in for the last week or so. As you saw from that last post, I didn't have the resources to make one worthwhile. So, although it is expensive to do so now, I will try to make another good one to entertain you all till next time! :) (As Eric has told me, my post is kind of like the newest daytime reality show back in Bozeman. Everyone is talking about it! I am so happy you are all enjoying it so much! It makes it much better writing them!)
So starting about a week ago, I finally got out of Auckland. I'm with Martin still, who bought a car and it is making it quite easy to get around with. We started off by driving to Thames and stayed at an interesting backpacker (Hostel) there. I say interesting, because considering checkout was at 10:30 in the morning, and we weren't out till 11:30, we got yelled at! But in the most unusual circumstance. We were actually waiting for another person to ride with us, and we were just sitting in our car where we had slept the previous night. It was like sitting in a parking lot. We weren't using the facilities at all. And sure enough, the owner came out and said stuff like "travellers don't travel anymore! You guys are getting me pissed! etc. etc." So we took the jeep and parked it in front of the driveway in the street instead though. So word for the wise. . .Don't stay at the Sunkist Lodge Backpacker in Thames! (Take that Sunkist lodge. Your reputation is tarnished forever now. Haha! The power of the Internet!)
Well, from there we went on our way to Coramandel Town. A small little podunk place that had some fun things to do. First I went swimming at this Waterfall. Then we Hiked up to Castle Rock, which I only later learned is a fabulous rock climbing area. (Stupid me! I should've had a partner with me) However at castle rock, it was socked in the clouds, hence no pics of it. I actually didn't see the rock itself it was so cloudy. We stayed one night in Coramandel town before heading even further north. We made it to a fun camping beach named Fletcher Bay. Spent the night there and booked it around to the other side of the peninsula to Stoney Bay. Stoney Bay had this fun little swing there that I had way too much fun taking pictures of! :)
Then a very fun thing was undertaken. Martin and I hiked the short yet beautiful Coramandel Coastel Walk. This walk weaved in and out of these canyons with the prettiest creeks you've seen. (Well almost) It was slightly dissapointing because there was only one really good view. The other view that we may have gotten was obscured by clouds! Dang New Zealand weather!
And then from there, it was to the Farmstay. Yes, a very fun place to hang out. We got to Milk a cow by hand, as you can see here. And then we got to drink the milk. Wow, was it ever good! It's unfortunate that the majority of milk we drink is so processed nowadays. Oh well. . . We also were able to hike to an abondoned Gold mine with a few glow worms in it. Unfortunately though, glow worms would never in a hundred years show up in any picture that I tried to take. So, you'll just have to imagine being able to see a starry sky in the middle of a cave! And then finally we hiked to the most gorgeous waterfalls I've seen thus far in New Zealand. Their beauty may just be compounded by the fact that the hike itself was so pretty. Oh yeah, and the swimming.

Yes, ladies, hold your applause! :) This is me in my boxers about to go swimming. Of course I had to do the pose!
Well, regardless, we stayed one more night at the farmstay just cause it was a blast. And from there we drove down to Whitianga! I have just arrived here and look forward to exploring a little! So with that said, I'm going to leave you all till next time. I need to go enjoy some of this New Zealand sun!


Anonymous said...


Glad i got to talk to you briefly tonight. We miss you lots!

Not much else to say other than keep it up mister.


Anonymous said...

Dude! You look totally awesome in the waterfall picture (Reana says), and I think the picture of you on that makeshift swing is pretty much the way that I envisioned you and New Zealand. Sounds like the trip is still great, glad to hear that Martin and yourself are sticking together. As the famous irish proverb says, "A road is made shorter with two people." Good luck old friend, and I hope to see you soon.

Unknown said...

Sexy man, sexy man...yes your blogs are the talk of the town here in Bozeman and your a pretty damn good photographer too so it makes it oh so much more exciting! You had to know we'd all be living vicariously through you--indeed we feel special you take the time to post. Warm fuzzies!!!