Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Wellington - Hollywood wannabe

Well, (ington, pun completly intended) I am here in wellington. Also known as "Wellywood." This is where peter jackson lives and where all the Movie world premier's that are filmed in NZ occur. So, they ripped off Hollywood, and made it wellywood!

Anyway, getting down here, I hiked the famous Tongariro Crossing. Arguably the best day hike in NZ. However, when we hiked it, clouds were everywhere! We couldn't see 15 feet in front of us. It was much like hiking the ridge at Bridger Bowl! But on the plus side, I got to climb mt Ngrahoe (sp) which to most of us is known as Mt. Doom from LOTR (See previous post for acronym explanation) Anyway, I like Frodo, had a very difficult time making it to the top. In fact, I didn't. I was hiking that section alone, and due to the weather, I was afraid of getting lost. So unfortunately, I just got this picture of me acting like frodo. Oh well.

I am also running really low on Internet time right now. (Man, I hate prepay internet cafes. They should all be use it as long as you want, THEN pay) so with that said, I can't really post more, now. I'm heading to the South Island Tomorrow, and off to Christchurch. Hopefully there, I will be able to fill all you in a little more than I have been able to for these last few posts.



Unknown said...

Mt. DOOM...I am sorely disappointed you let a little thing like getting lost keep you from reaching the top ;), c'mon where's your sense of adventure--then you could say you got lost on Mt. Doom...well if you came down alive that is :D. Imagine if Frodo had done that, Middleearth would be controlled by Sauron now ;p...OK, I'm a retard and I'm done geeking out--can't wait to see pics! Happy hiking!

Anonymous said...

Glad you're having fun in Wellywood! Missed you on Sunday - Eric, Simon, River, Chad and I went climbing at Neat rock! It was about 45 degrees out but the sun heated up the rock and we were all climbing without jackets...very fun. Anyways, have fun with Linnea and your mom - can't wait to see where you'll take them! Miss you.