Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Pictures from the last Post, plus Rotorua

Well, I have made it to a decent Internet Cafe in Rotorua. This town is a fun little town with a yellowstone setting to it. Sure enough, it is right next to a volcano, and it has the smell of sulpher in the air. Fun place however. (Not as fun as yellowstone though.) We haven't done a lot here yet, but getting here was an adventure in itself. Mostly on this post though, I wanted to post pictures of Surfing, Hobbiton, and the Bridal Veil falls.

Today, we went to the Te Puia (sp?) which was a very commercialized demonstration on old Maori culture. These people lived for the past 25 generations or so using the thermal pools here for their hot water, and to cook food etc. Pretty good use of resources if you ask me. We then saw a Maori concert with the Haka dance (war dance) and women doing some of the coolest poi dancing I've seen. (Twirling Balls on the end of ropes.) This afternoon we are planning on going Zorbing, and possibly doing the freefall simulator.

Dang, I'm out of time again! I'll post more in a little while! Chiao!


Mike said...

Isn't it crazy how much Rotorua smells like Yellowstone? It's crazy... oh, and I don't think I've ever seen a town with more hotels on one street! Anyways, I'm just finishing up time in Aus on the northern tip, Darwin. It's SO HUMID! you walk outside and it's a sauna. Anyways, Rotorua is really touristy, have fun though. Laters!

Unknown said...

Yah! pictures...always fun to see. :) i'm sure you are having fun!
