Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Christchurch - Man I got here fast!

Hello all! And welcome back to the wonderful world of Trevor's Blog! Today, I have a special treat for you all! I am on a decent computer, with a good internet connection, that is cheap, and they allow me to upload pictures! That is the perfect recipe for a good blog! Yah!

So, with that said, I'm going to back up a little, and talk about some of my travels in a little more detail. First, I'm going to go back to before I arrived in Wellington. From Rotorua, Alli and I traveled north to stay with Collin. (I'm forgetting what I've covered so far, so I'll make this part fast.) On the way we stopped at the largest kiwi in the world in a interesting town. Just look at the name of this town. How would you like to live here? (See picture on right for the best sign that we saw including the town's name.)
From Te Puke, we headed south to do the Tongario crossing. I know I've told you some of the details, but what I don't think I mentioned was the ridiculous amount of people on this hike. It was more like standing in an eight hour, fast moving line! But regardless, here are some of the few views I got of the ever famous Tongariro Crossing. On the left, Alli wondering why we are waiting. Oh yeah! There's people in the way! And on the right, me acting like a hobbit. Yes, the mountain is steeper than this though! My camera was tilted almost even with the mountain, so It looks flat. Use some imagination, and rotate the scene about 45 degrees or so. :)

And here is one of the three lakes that was on the Hike. The color was much better in person. But as far as views, yep, that is about all we got! Dang clouds!

So, from there, Alli and I booked it down to Wellington. We spent a day there taking in some Maori culture at the Te Papa Museum. A HUGE museum that is entirely free. It astounded me! We also went to the cable car and rode that. I swear it is a tram though. Do me a favor, and look up the definition of Tram vs. Cable Cars. I thought Trams were two cars connected to one cable. So when one went up, the other went down. Cable cars are supposed to have a constantly running cable under them, and they just clamp onto and off of that cable to move forward or stop, respectivly. Anyway, this "cable car" fit my definition of tram, so I was just wondering. :) (Oh, and I forgot my camera that day, so Alli has those pics. . .)
Well, the next day I caught the massive Interislander Ferry down to the South Island. Considering my Mom and Linnea are meeting me in Christchurch, I tried to book it down here. Alas, I did have to leave Alli - Thanks for travelling with me Alli! It was a blast! So, from picton, I started hitching again, and sure enough the first ride I got brought me all the way, 5 hours, and dropped me off in front of the backpacker I'm staying at! Sweet!
So, here I am in Christchurch. I have a few days to kill here, and want to buy a car while I'm here. So hopefully all that goes well!
And if you happen to see Katie, Wish her a Happy B-day! Sorry I wasn't there Katie!


Unknown said...

Mmmm...Kiiiiwwwwiiii. Enjoyed the hobbit picture, that was pretty awesome. Don't you just feel like cattle when you are in those big lines or crowds--I feel like moo-ing when that happens :). Have fun with your mom and Linnea!

Anonymous said...

Well Trev, you were right. You must hear that a lot. It is pronounced "Par-core." Silly French, just when you think you have pronunciation figured out, they go and make it sound normal. Best Wishes from a snow-less Bozeman!

Anonymous said...

You're welcome Trevor!

I have some somewhat depressing news... when I was traveling back to Taupo I got some amazing shots of Mt. Doom and the other range nearby. They're on facebook, you'll have to check them out. And weep. I did. It was a perfect day to do the crossing and I was bloody driving for 6 hours! I went jetboating in Taupo and the boat driver was hitting on me! Ewwww! I so wish you were in my car still to help me navigate, I'm lost without you! Literally! Tomorrow I'm heading to Mangonui, no, not Mount Miss ya!

Anonymous said...

Awww, thanks for the b-day shout out! We missed ya!