Friday, November 24, 2006

Thailand - The Land of Smiles

Plans have started to come together and I will now tell you what they are! It sounds like I'm going to be traveling to the border between Thailand and Myanmar. I've decided to take the picture of me with an Outside Bozeman magazine there to see if I can win yet another contest. The "How far will you go" contest that Outside Bozeman does with every issue. Check it out sometime! I've been "hired" as a photographer for a very exciting fundraising venture. We will be traveling up north and west to visit schools and jungle villages. It sounds like it will completely immerse me in the true Thai culture, instead of very "touristy" areas like Pattaya and Bangkok. But Touristy is good too, because it sounds like Linnea and I are going scuba diving on Monday! It'll be my first time in the Ocean (diving) and it sounds like we get to dive with sea turtles all day! Yay!

I promised some pictures in my last post, so here they are!

This is Linnea, the person that is so kind to have given me a place to stay and the person that is showing me the ins and outs of Thailand. Thanks Linnea!

Here we are having our first meal in Thailand. Notice the Hard Tack and Napkin that my ever so wonderful mother made me pack halfway around the world! Thanks mom. It was a delicious meal. In Linneas left hand there are marinated roasted bananas. Mmm. On her lap is vegetable vietnamese rice rolls. They were very good!

This is the Infinity Pool that I was talking about in the last post. Incredible! I got to swim here mere hours from stepping off the plane. What a great welcome! This pool is also just outside of where I am staying. In fact it is on the roof of the building that I am staying in.

Here is mee (No pun intended) in front of that tree I was talking about in my last post. (Mee means noodle in Thai, and this is me, infront of the "noodle" tree) But yeah, all those strings hanging down are from a tree. They hang down and dip into water that is below them. I'm assuming they drink water not just from the trunk of the tree, but also from these noodles.

Here's just a good shot of Linnea watching the sunset at a gorgeous beach about a ten minute walk from our humble abode. We even went swimming, and got stung by tiny no-see-yellies jellyfish. It was a different experience for sure.

This is Thailand. Here is the market area that is just incredible. (In fact it is right outside the door of this Internet Cafe as I type) I was walking down the street, and saw a pig face being sold. I have no idea how one would eat a pig face like this, but yeah, it was there. There are also some of the most incredible exotic fruits here that I've never seen let alone tasted before. I got to eat jackfruit, sugarcane, and like fruit-juice marinated mango. I also got to see a custard-apple which linnea promised to feed me another time. :)

Well, that is all for now. It's wonderful to read all your comments! Keep um coming! It gives me a great taste of the bozone!



Anonymous said...

Hi Trevor:

This is grandma Chamberland and grandma Olson. We just saw your blog for the first time and we think it is wonderful and very interesting. You should have a fantastic time while you are there. Are we jealous? Hope to hear from you many times while you are visiting these exotic places. Love you much. The "Grandmas."

Anonymous said...

Hey Trev... Happy Late Thanksgiving! I'll remember the advice about customs. NZ is great, very GREEN! Skydiving was a major rush, you've got to try it! We jumped at lake Taupo. Ask Russ to show you the video later. :-D Anyways, we think/talk about you all the time. Hope you are well and having a great time.

Anonymous said...

Wow... Thailand sounds amazing Trevor. Hey FYI you should get hooked up with Skype ( It is by far the best and cheapest way to make international calls. If you do let me know what your login name is and maybe we can talk about our adventures some time. My login ID is "russell.keck". Well, peace dude and keep the cool pictures coming.


Anonymous said...

Fabulous :) Love the pictures. I'm glad you are having such an amazing time! Much love from cold snowy Bozeman!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, forgot to put my name...

-mel :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Trevor,
I'm glad to see you are having such an amazing time in Thailand. I will admit I am very jealous. I would love to be traveling the world! Well keep all the cool stories coming! Have fun and be safe.


Anonymous said...

Trevor!! Wow, it sounds like you're having some amazing adventures. The tree in particular sounds awesome! I collect postcards, so if you should feel so inclined, there's a spot on my wall just waiting for a Trevcard. I hope you get to eat something really weird and exciting, like ostrich underbelly or something. That would be rad. OK! Keep posting pictures, good luck on all your adventures and have a blast!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Trev! What do you get if you win the Outside Bozeman contest? From the look of things, you're gonna miss an awesome year at Bridger here! It's snowing right now. Of course, I imagine you'll somehow manage to keep going.
Have an awesome time off the beaten path!!