Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Thailand - Cabbages and Condoms - Asia at its best!

Right now I'm sitting at a kiosk staring at a manniquin that has a swimsuit made out of condoms! This is the restaurant that we ate at tonight. Cabbages and Condoms. The idea of this restaraunt owner is to make condoms as readily available for the people of Thailand as cabbages are. What an innovative idea. So if you wanted free condoms, Thailand is the place to go!

Back up a little bit. Yes, I have landed in Thailand and had reletively few hitches getting through immigration. There are a few signs that are difficult to understand. (Mike and Russ. . .if you read this, DON'T stand in the line that says "Visas on arrival" I did that for about 15 minutes before someone finally pointed me in the right direction. And once I went the right direction, it was hard to believe that I could've gone the wrong way.

So, it's about 9:05 right now, and I'm exhausted. A little jet lag, but I think I'll get over by tomorrow.

A little more about Thailand now. I showed up, met up with Linnea without a hitch, and jumped on to a bus. This bus took us to Jomtien in about 2 and a half hours. I was then shown to my room, which I can't wait to post pictures of. It is gorgeous. I really wanted to just hit the hay, but couldn't because I'm determined to beat the jet lag. So I went for a swim instead. On the roof of our building there is an infinity pool. Once again, just typing about it won't do it justice. Google infinity pool though and you'll see what I'm talking about. And once again, I'll post pictures next time. I wasn't expecting to use the computer tonight, so I didn't bring my camera cable with me.

Anywho, after a quick swim in the 80 degree weather, and watching the sun set, we came to Cabbages and Condoms to grab a bite to eat. Afterwords, Linnea and I checked out the beach and I have discovered my new favorite tree. A Manbali tree. It has no leaves, rather vines that hang to just inches off the ground. These vines are as thin as spaghetti, but there are thousands of them. And you can just walk through them pushing them aside. It is a really phenomenol tree. Man! There is so much to talk about, and I've only been here for nine hours or so!

So, with that said, I'll leave other details till I can get pictures up. It looks like I'll have pretty good access to computers for the first week that I'm here, so I'll try my best to keep you all in the know! Miss you all already!


Anonymous said...

Ha HA! First comment on this blog. fun fun! good to hear you made it alright and that you are beating the jet lag...well your probably passed out by now! :) Excited to see pictures!! WARM FUZZIES!


Anonymous said...

That's freakin sweet!!! I'm jealous! I worked an 8 hour day and have to do things like write essays and read about Yellow Fever in Philidelphia in 1793. I know. Stop your jealousy.

Happy Thanksgiving a day early. Colter and I will be doing the horribly painful thing...eating two dinners. Oh the agony.

Miss you!


Anonymous said...

The tree sounds wonderful! It makes me happy that you are able to truly enjoy the great things in cabbage and condoms :) I can't wait to see pictures and hear stories. Do you have an address that we can send stuff to? YAY FOR TREV!!

Anonymous said...

I hope your day is more exciting than mine - I'm watching football and going out to dinner in Alexandria with my friend Turkey for me on Turkey Day!! Oh probably won't get turkey either. Sounds like you've gotten off to a great start!! Have fun and I can't wait to see pictures!
Miss you,

Anonymous said...

Hey Trev,
How exciting to be on your way! I guess we'll be seeing you in NZ in no time. Did you get the last email I sent you (quite lengthy about nelson and wanaka). Let me know...see you soon!!!
Kris Paterson

Anonymous said...

Sweet Travels Trev. Whenever you get some more solid plans about NZ, drop a line on facebook and see if we can cross a path or two sometime.
- Dan & Katie

Anonymous said...

Sounds awesome Trevor. Thanks for the heads up on customs in Thailand to!
