Monday, November 13, 2006

Sinking In

So, it's finally sinking in that I'm leaving in a week. I turned in my keys to work today and painted my name on the wall. "Trevor Olson, 1998-2006" I worked at the Wilson for eight years! Wow. And what a fabulous job. Hopefully I can find myself keeping a hand in theatre for years to come. That'd be so sad if this was it!

My house is mostly empty now, just the necessities left. Bed, computer, desk. Yeesh. This is getting scary!

With that said, Eric K. was kind enough to offer his house for a going away party on Friday the 17th. So for those of you that are keeping up, and are in Bozeman, you should try to make it. Call me for directions if you need them. It's not going to be any type of rager or anything, just hang out drink beers, eat food, and say our fond farewells. Hope to see you there!

Wow, I'm gonna miss Bozeman! I'm assuming this'll be my last post before I take off, so I guess I'll catch ya on the flip side of the globe!


Anonymous said...

Hey man, I'm really gonna miss ya. You've been the best of best friends anyone could ever ask for. I hope you have one hell of a great trip and please stay safe. I've got a restraunt menu that I need to be tested by all the good people I know before I open it to the public. May your journeys be good ones and your memories be the best for all of time.


Anonymous said...

isn't turning in your keys sad? it was the worst part of saying goodbye when i left, it makes it feel so final. well trev i know that whatever happens you will land on your feet, hope the going away party goes well and the flight isn't too boring.

Anonymous said...

Did they let you on the plane with fruit grown in Califonria, purchased in Montana, then flown back to Cali and beyond?

Hope the flight was great and that Colt and I'z present served you well.

Stay in touch, be clean and be good at it!


Anonymous said...

I'm so excited to hear about your adventures!!! Have a wonderful trip! You're one of my favorite people Trev and I hope this is one of the best experiences you'll ever have! Cheers and Aloha, kisses and hugs, happy thoughts and warm fuzzies, god speed and don't die, break a leg and kiss a all that rot :)
